There will be no meeting the first Monday of March 2025.
Meetings for Planning Commissions and Board of Zoning Appeals
Meetings will be held every 1st Monday of every month at 5:30PM in the Council Chambers located at 44 North Forest Street Geneva, Ohio 44041. If there are changes to the schedule they will be posted.
Meetings for Architectural Board
Meetings will be held every 3rd Monday of every month at 5:30PM in the Council Chambers located at 44 North Forest Street Geneva, Ohio 44041. As needed.
Noell Sivertsen
44 North Forest Street
Geneva, OH 44041
Phone: 440-466-4675
Forms – Permit Applications – Other Information
When a zoning permit is necessary
When you begin to plan for any upcoming projects, be certain that you have all the necessary city permits prior to starting any work.
When any structure is erected, relocated, or altered, it requires a zoning permit. For example, fences, sheds, swimming pools, building additions, driveways, and certain types of decks all require zoning permits. Depending on the particular nature of the project it may require an inspection from the County Building Inspector. A call to the zoning office can clarify if a county building permit is necessary. A zoning permit is not required for remodeling, repairing, or altering the interior of a residence as long as the use or external dimensions of the building are not changed. Examples of projects that do not need a permit are the installation of siding, the replacement of windows, or a replacement of an existing roof.
When any structure is erected, relocated, or altered prior to obtaining a zoning permit (and/or displayed, in the case of a sign), the required fees shall be doubled, but the payment of a double fee shall not relieve any person from complying with the provisions of the Zoning Code or from other penalties prescribed by law.
A zoning permit fee is calculated as one dollar ($1.00) per one thousand ($1,000.00), or part thereof, of expenditures set forth in an application for a zoning permit. Our minimum permit fee shall not be less than thirty dollars ($30.00). To obtain a zoning permit, please call the Zoning Administrator at the municipal building located at 44 N. Forest St. at 466-4675.
The City of Geneva is divided into zoning districts. Each district is regulated as to the permitted uses and to where you can build on your property.
Information about zoning districts and setbacks can be obtained from the Zoning Department.
Home Occupation Permits
The City of Geneva regulates the establishment of home occupations in residential neighborhoods. The City of Geneva recognizes the need for some citizens to use their place of residence for limited nonresidential activities. However, the City believes that the need to protect the integrity of its residential areas is of paramount concern. Further, the City of Geneva is attempting to guarantee to all residents freedom from excessive noise, excessive traffic, nuisance, fire hazard, and other possible effects of commercial uses being conducted in residential areas.
In essence, the objective of a home occupation permit is to allow a limited number of commercial-type activities in a residential area. In order to apply for a home occupation permit, an application needs to be completed and submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department on a form provided by the Department, and it shall be accompanied by the prevailing filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). A home occupation permit from the Planning Commission may be granted only to the property owner, provided that he or she resides at the property. There are conditions that the permit need to comply with in order to maintain their permit, and the Commission may specify the terms, conditions, extent, and duration, as well as provide a means for the revocation and renewal of a home occupation permit.
If you presently have a home occupation or are considering working from home, then please call the Department of Planning Zoning at (440) 466-4675 to complete the application process.
Garage Sale License
Garage Sale License must be obtained at City hall Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm.
- Garage Sale Hours to Operate: Monday-Saturday:9am-Sundown & Sunday:Noon-Sundown
- Two (2) sales per location per year
- Do not place signs on telephone poles or road signs
- Do not place signs in the area between the sidewalk and the street paving
- All signs must be removed when the garage sale is over
- Any violations will justify permanent closure of sale
- Garage Sale License must be placed in clear view from the street
Street Address
You may not have known but our city ordinance requires all buildings to be numbered and gives specific guidelines for them:
- Every residential, commercial and/or industrial unit shall display a street address number posted near the entrance door or in a prominent location facing the street in such a position that the number is easily visible to approaching emergency or public safety vehicles.
- Numerals shall be Arabic, not less than three inches in height, and shall be of contrasting color to the background to which they are attached.
- If script numbers are used, an additional set of block-type Arabic numerals shall appear in a conspicuous place.
- In addition to the street address numbers near the front entrance door, every building unit located more than seventy-five feet from a street shall also display a set of clearly visible street address numbers near the driveway entrance to the building unit. Mailboxes shall be clearly numbered on both sides.
Numbering your home is an important safety measure for you and your loved ones. When police, fire, and EMS respond to your home for an emergency every second counts!
Please take the time to look at your home and ensure that the appropriate numbering is there and visible from the street!
If you have any questions please contact the Zoning Department at 440-466-4675.