West Main Street Project

Attention: The West Main Street Project will soon start!
On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, West Main will be closed at SR534 (Broadway) to address another construction related issue. The picture below indicates the area directly affected by the construction issue. The Westbound traffic will diverted onto SR534 (Broadway) from 7:00 am until the safety hazard is addressed. Please plan alternate routes to your destinations and leave a little extra time for your journey.
Again, your continued cooperation and patience with the traffic changes are greatly appreciated!
To summarize the start of the Geneva Roadway Reconstruction Project.
On April 15, 2024, One lane of traffic heading east bound will be closed from Chestnut St to Eagle st. Eastbound traffic will be detoured Down chestnut to Rt 84 east to Rt 534.
The week of April 15,2024 to the week of April 22, 2024, dewatering work will be installed on West st near the hospital for the future work on west St. Traffic impact will be minimal.
Approx. May 13, 2024 the southbound only detour on west St. shall be implemented to construct storm sewer work on West. This work should take one to two weeks, weather permitting. There will be a 1-2 day period of time the intersection of West and Rt 20 will be fully shut down due to large Structure installation.
Approx. May 27, 2024 the one lane closure of east bound traffic will fully take effect on Rt 20.
As we get closer to the West closure dates we will be able to give exact date the closure will take place.
We will continue to update this page with information as we receive it from the contractors.