Tax Filing Due Date
All 2024 tax filings and payments are due on April 15, 2025.
Nadine Mooneyham
44 North Forest Street
Geneva, OH 44041
Phone: 440-466-3913
Fax: 440-466-0685
Tax Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday 8:00AM – 12:00PM (March 1 – April 12, 2024)
2024 Tax Form Download HERE
Fillable form: can be download HERE
Please note that this form cannot be submitted electronically. Please download fill and print it off to submit with your supported tax documents.

All Residents 18 years of age or older must file a yearly tax return. Also, every business located in or performing services within the City of Geneva is required to file. Non-residents are required to file only when they have income earned within the City of Geneva that is not fully withheld upon or have a business or rental property in Geneva. Tax returns are required with no regard for the amount of income received or losses incurred.
Retired Residents, who receive only non-taxable income such as Social Security, pensions, dividends, or interest, may file a one time Exemption Certificate.
At the present time, Geneva does not have the capability to accept forms filed electronically. Paper copies of W-2s, 1099’s, Federal 1040, and Schedules must be provided. If you use an online program for your Federal and State return, any city return prepared by the program is not received by Geneva. It is up to you to file the paper return that you received or were given by your tax preparer.
The current tax rate is 1.5%. The maximum credit allowed for taxes paid to other municipalities will not exceed 1% of income earned in other municipalities.
A tax return can be dropped off at the City of Geneva or can be mailed to 44 North Forest Street, Geneva, Ohio 44041.
Please Note:
Our interactive forms are best utilized in the Adobe Acrobat Reader or Acrobat program. Adobe Acrobat Reader will open the tax form with the currect filing year and will allow full functionality of the PDF form. Google Chrome and other web browsers attempt to open PDF’s using their own reader plug-ins, which may impair functionality of a “Fill-In” form. We do not provide technical assistants on getting the necessary plug-in / program to work on your devices. If necessary, you can obtain a paper tax form at our office or local library.